You are here: 2. General Ledger > 2.3. FILE Menu: Master File Maintenance > T Accounts Master File

File - T Accounts

The T accounts master file only applies if you are using T accounts in MGL for multi-dimensional Profit & Loss reporting. For example, a posting account can have T1 and T2 accounts associated with it, allowing you to dissect the transactions in the account by those dimensions. Say you wanted to be able to dissect all your GL transactions by Sales Territory and Warehouse, you would set up T accounts for T1 - Sales Territory and T2 - Warehouse. You could then extract information from each account for a particular sales territory only, or for a particular sales territory/warehouse combination.


Technical Tip

  • You can only access the T Accounts master file if MGL is setup for T accounts. That is, the Enable T Accounts field on the MGL General Configuration screen must be set to Yes (refer to "Edit - Applications - MGL - General").
  • In most cases, T accounts need to be setup when Micronet is first installed. If you are already using Micronet and you would like to start using T accounts, please contact Micronet for advice and assistance.




For more information about T accounts, refer to "T Accounts".

You use this option to setup the actual T accounts that you will use throughout Micronet to dissect transactions – in the example above, you would setup master file records for T1 - Sales Territory and T2 - Warehouse.

When a user posts to a General Ledger account in the following Micronet systems, they are able to select T account postings to further categorise transactions to T1 and T2:



For more details on integration, refer to "Setting up Micronet Integration".